December Zodiac Messages

Zodiac Monthly Message
This is a perfect time to approach daily tasks seriously with a methodical yet practical mind to ensure financial success. With proper planning and saving, you can expect an increase in your finances, which, will allow you to spend money on gifts or luxuries. If you have experienced issues with collecting money owed to you in the past. This may be a good time to resolve the matter. Any financial deal will enjoy incredible success and will bring fine income. Around the 23rd of the month, you may experience a situation where you or someone around you seems to be causing some confusion with contradictions. There is a great possibility that this person(s) envies you. Therefore, be conscious of what you are doing or saying in regards to your new start.
Aries ♈️ A Ghost of The Past
There will be some pretty significant things nearing an end or has just ended in your life this month. This month you may find something you have spent weeks, even months looking for. This could be something as small as looking for gift ideas for a loved one to looking for proof of infidelity. Either way, remember when you seek, you find! On another note, this month you will find yourself problem-solving situations that require you to perfect a skill, mental acuity, or behavior that leads you to the next phase in your life. Additionally, do not be surprised if someone from your past returns to see if you learned a valuable lesson from the relationship. This individual may have left you on read months ago, now they’re responding to your message. If you are dealing with someone who has Earth placements on their moon, this individual will find some convenient was to create a small situation that seems extreme or they may blow a situation out of proportion. You will soon come to the realization that this individual seems to be delighted in knowing they can change the course of your emotions or coerce you into doing something they want. Sometimes you may feel like this person is enormously caring; the next moment, they are nagging and complaining about everything life has to offer. You may have a hard time dealing with this person, but try to make them feel helpful and necessary in your life.
Taurus ♉️ Distractions & Interruptions
This month you may be taking your studies and work-related tasks seriously in order to preserve your status. However, someone won't seem to leave you alone and would do anything needed to pull you away from your task. This is because some of the individuals around you aren't high achievers and are lacking in their own self-confidence, which, makes it hard for them to understand the goals you have set for yourself. Yes, these individuals are genuinely happy with what they possess and are not jealous of you. They just don’t strive to gain more out of life and may expect you to be content with the way things have been going for you thus far. Understand, some individuals are content and prefer familiar and simple things in life. Whereas, you are not content with all of your life achievements. Instead of allowing interferences to agitate you or cause stress, learn to have definite boundaries with others. For those of you looking to preserve your status, you may find this to be difficult and could feel like the efforts you are putting in to something is going unnoticed by others. Try a new routine and stick with it until it is familiar to them.
Gemini ♊️ Ask For Help
There will be some introspection this month causing you to acknowledge unlooked-for-advantages in sudden situations. This month you may be operating primarily from a mental space with your love and relationships. Learn to find balance in your personal and professional relationships or learn when to ask for help from others. You may also be consumed with finding clarity in work-related pressures. The lesson in this is knowing when to ask for help from your spiritual team. Understand they will eagerly reach out their helping hand and send someone to be a source of inspiration and help to your situation. You may find yourself wanting some personal space this month, or mentally escaping to your own little world. Others may begin to complain about this if it begins to cause you to procrastinate on projects or making decisions. This month try switching things up so that you don’t become a slave to your routine. If not, you could feel like a catastrophe is occurring if something doesn't go as planned. The best possible antidote for this situation is to rely on your quick wits and adaptability to assure your success.
Cancer ♋️ Speaking Up
Last month you may have done some analysis of your spiritual journey, life philosophies, relationship, or a work-related project and realized your desires to expand or try something new. This month you may feel the need to speak up about your desires and could come across to others as being very vocal, direct, or outspoken. You may find that the individuals around you this month may not be as emotionally expressive or affectionate as you would like them to be. Don’t lose hope Cancer! Remain confident and don’t shy away from vocalizing your needs. They will eventually reveal their feelings, but they will be very reluctant to in the beginning. This is because they feel a little uneasy with this new you or new idea. Show them you are dependable, faithful, and can be pragmatic. This will help individuals who are usually shy, need some type of advice, or aren't courageous find their voice also. Lastly, expect a text message from someone you have a strong sexual attraction too. This person could be a fire sign you haven’t heard from since the end of Fall. One of you may be sexually frustrated this month and may find comfort in the another. Don’t expect this individual to stick around for long. I have a feeling there is some instability in their life that’s affecting your connection or simply put “It’s just sex”.
Leo ♌️ - Sexual Convenience
There will be some significant changes surrounding your career and partnerships this month. While one chapter in your life is ending, another one is beginning and providing you with a new opportunity or quality of life. If you are in a relationship, your partner may feel like your sexual compatibility is not convenient with their sexuality; yet they still do their best to please their partner. This month try not to be a big critic of others or yourself. Simply enhance your self-belief of the individual or the situation to release skeptical and critical thoughts. You will realize that individuals who can't help but to criticize others, will always look for pragmatism in any emotional confrontation to hold on to the conflict to the end. If you are dealing with this type of individual this month, please remember these individuals will be very curious and may feel easily imitated by you.
Virgo♍️ Finding Your Truth
This month you may find yourself doing some introspection to deal with unexpected situations that cause some sort of emotion. The situations you face may be felt on an emotional or spiritual level, but not on a physical level. The thoughts you are having and the feelings you are feeling are here to help you grow more in tune with self. Thus causing you to focus on finding the truth in a life altering situation that may have left you feeling powerless or inadequate. Address and acknowledge your feelings by seeking solitude instead of trying to keep yourself busy. Lastly, this month will challenge you when it comes to giving and receiving advice from others. You may feel like the advice you’re giving or receiving can come across as insensitive to sensitive individuals, so be delicate and less critical of others during this time. By the end of the month you will feel a sense of achievement with your emotional and financial goals if everything follows as planned.
Libra ♎️ A Change Comes
Someone is having a hard time adjusting to the changes taking place in their life. These changes could leave you or them searching for their identity in material possessions or on a spiritual quest. These changes may have come after a setback or delay that caused you some type of physical, mental, or emotional exhaustion. This exhaustion has you longing for happier occasions, but fear of being trapped in a state of lack may cause you to feel depressed. During this time, seek individuals who can provide you with emotional support and a strong and reliable partnership. If you are single, chances are this month you may feel undone, incomplete, or questioning if you will ever find somebody to share their life with. If you are partnered or married, try to seek harmony and peace in your connection by yielding to the other person’s desires.
Scorpio ♏️ Rekindled Connections
Scorpio! So the cycle begins again! But first you have to come to terms with something or someone from your past. For some of you, this past person is the IRS! For others of you, you may be rekindling a connection with someone. Whoever this person is, at one time or another, they seem to aways need somebody. You may have felt like they can't stay alone for a long time, or wherever they go, they require somebody by their side. Once you realize this person isn’t capable of withstanding loneliness and is only seeking temporary gratification, you may cut them loose. This is because you are now seeking individuals with sustenance that are gentle, kind-hearted, and flirtatious. For individuals in a relationship, your partner may be doing just about everything to get your attention. Their behavior may come across as aggressive or dismissive when they feel ignored. Try to clear up any issues with communication between you two before things get out of hand.
Sagittarius ♐️- Deal Breakers Before Heart Breakers
This month you may need to make some adjustments to your thoughts and attitudes in order to transcend difficulties. The focus may be on fixing soulmate relationships you want to see prevail within your family and personal connections. If you are meeting someone new, you may feel a past life connection between the two of you. This individual will be kind and gentle, but beware, they can become confrontational with their long-termed partners if they feel like their partner is giving up on the connection first. While arguing, this individual will try to take the upper hand and will say and do things that get under your skin. In such cases, this individual has a tendency to hurt their counterparts, but afterwards, they have a tendency to ask for forgiveness. The purpose of this soulmate connection is not so much about the individual as it is about Sagittarius identifying their deal breakers before they become heart breakers.
Capricorn ♑️ Codependent No More
There will be some sort of codependency coming to an end in your life this month forcing you or someone around you to be more independent. This could be a child leaving the home and starting college or a family member finally getting their own vehicle and no longer needing a ride to work. For everyone, the codependency will be different. Some individuals may be forced to become independent in business relationships in order to find the perfect solution to the challenges they face this month. In spite of this, there are tons of opportunities for economic growth and social independence this month. To your surprise, you may get a promotion or bonus check from work or from some work you completed in the past. If you are financially codependent on someone, this money can assist you in becoming less codependent on others, so spend wisely. Others may realize that harmonious relationships are required to find peace with a past decision you will have to come to terms with this month. This past decision could have been one you felt was made for you by someone else, or after reconsidering things you may have had a change of heart about the decision you previously made. This comes after realizing your idealistic ideas and constant search for the best caused you to lose sight of the bigger picture. If this is the case, try to connect with the reality of the situation before you lose out on the best and worthiest moments of their life.
Aquarius ♒️- The Future Through Their Eyes
There will be some pretty important things taking place in your life this month. This seems to be the beginning stages of something mystifying or even controversial occurring in your life. However, be mindful of conflicts of interest when it comes to making decisions. Wisdom is needed in this situation to avoid unexpected or even unforeseen changes to your original plans. Therefore, wait a few days before making your decision. During the waiting period you may receive some new information that will help you solidify your plans. If you are dealing with someone who has their Moon in Scorpio, understand this individual is different from the other individuals you have encountered. Therefore, your approach with this person will have to be a journey where you both are seeking peace and security. The emotional intensity, of this connection may make you feel like they are capable of delving deep into your soul, revealing all of your secrets. The frustrating part of this connection is that one of you can easily read the other like a map. If you’re thinking about keeping secrets, then think again because this individual has a very sharp intellect and many seek their advice due to such ability. This connection is apt to transform, change, and cause one of you to re-organize your life. This may cause you to become emotionally intense, causing your mood too rapidly change.
Pisces ♓️ Self-Awareness & Self-Love
This month you may be trying to gain control of your fears of betrayal in a family matter or romantic partnership. By doing this, you bring a sense of order, stability, and peace into your life. Especially, if you have connected with an individual that is strong-willed and competitive or they make you feel like you have to compete for their affection. This connection may face many different challenges, from family conflict to infidelity, but it brings a lesson in self-awareness and self-love. Make sure you take the time to release emotional drama and learn to find a middle ground in your relationships. Instead of allowing the relationship to take you from one emotional extreme to another. In any situation, there are two ways-out of the challenges you face. Either you will find yourself adapting to the situation or you will find yourself out growing the situation. By adapting to the situation, nothing changes and you find yourself stuck in an unwanted routine in your relationship. By changing and outgrowing the situation, you realize the cause of your fears was a signal to your soul to seek relationships with individuals you feel you can fully trust.
Programs & Classes:
Enjoy any of our classes and programs available under the events section this month.